Thursday, June 14, 2007

the call

so much i wanted to hear
and so much i wanted to say
but you took me by surprise
when you called yesterday

its been so long
we have lost so much
flesh and bones are ashes
yet the soul remains

so much i want to hear
and so much i want to say
when you call me again, someday


LollySparkyShady said...

umm..... this one was flat
and a bit lame.
thats 'my call' on this work ;)

Iyer said...

lolly, looks like our long dist relnshp isnt working.

LollySparkyShady said...

sure it isn't
you are writing soap operas
show up, and I'll blow up your sand

Iyer said...

be nice n come to park west. awesome courts.

LollySparkyShady said...

well u know im not nice to you on the tennis courts :)
will do so soon