Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Nature's Fury

Starting from last year's Tsunami to the recent South Asia earthquake, nature has created havoc and destruction galore. Asia seems the worst affected because of these natural disasters, although this has more to do with the high population density of the region. But otherwise her wrath has been rather equitable starting from floods in Latin America, hurricanes in north America, forest fires in Europe and droughts in Africa; no place on the globe has been left untouched. Most of these disasters are the culmination of years of abuse of Earth and her resources. This year serves to give us a chilling reminder of what might happen in the years to come. The time has come where quick action has to be taken not only by the big nations but also by individual people, to ensure that earth is not consigned to the pages of the history book for our future generations.



3 potties said...

An interesting comment I heard

You can choose not to trust your job, not your boss, not your girlfriend, not your wife, not your life.
but you know something is terribly wrong and disheartening, when you cannot even trust the earth you are walking on :)


3 potties said...

TOI has this interesting article...using clouds to predict earthquake...and this technique was perfected by a 6th century astronomermathematician Varahamihira...


so after all, its all in the Vedas (and related books!) :D



3 potties said...

In most of these disasters animals especially dogs and cats are very aware when the quake is approaching. I say we should monitor their behaviour rather than depending on our seismologists whose predictions are never right.


3 potties said...


I'll be watching u closely...
