Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Concept

You came into my life
and life came into me
with a spark
I rushed on
in search of something special
someone special
with you by my side
i looked no further
u had the answers
and i had no questions
you taught me the very fact of life
i would confront
and not comprehend
two types of people i will meet
a slut who would sleep with every one else
and a bitch who would not sleep with me
and you looked up to me
with an intensity un matched
and i looked the distance
to see my life
waiting for me waiting on me
only to find you
for a reason i hope
i believe
like the air i breathe
this very moment
you left behind for me........

happy ugadi,lolly


Anonymous said...

Oh,what a hopeless romantic..

Heartbroken or scared to love?

3 potties said...

love.....? where does love come here?