Monday, April 04, 2005

Continuing with the pope...

I came to the office today morning, hoping to let loose some words on the media circus thats going on about the popes death. But since the other vice man has already spoken on that, i'll just like to add a few lines. It is beyond my imagination why India has to declare 3 days official mourning for the pope's death. Yes he was a world figure revered by many in India(that's about 17 million Catholics), but in no way was he a national figure of importance. I just wonder if this isn't another attempt by the so called secular parties to mollycoddle upto the minorities.

P.S. Just thought I'd mention this, Vatican has launched an all out attack on the popular work of fiction Da Vinci Code forbidding all Catholics to shun it. Seems like it is only making the book more popular.



3 potties said...

maybe I am one of few left on this planet yet to read that Da Vinci book....


Anonymous said...

It was definitely over hyped..

hmm but a good read..engrossing..fact or fiction..who knows..rather who cares =)!